Thursday, March 13, 2008

Bihar needs Bhindrawale Type of Leader

Bihar Needs a leader like Bhindrawale, Jinnah and JKLF folks, it isonly then mother India will take care and listen..Time to start amovement in Bihar to break away from India....Being a poorest stateand treatment of a second class citizen within one own Country hurts!What do you guys think?
Thackerayjee and Raj: Bihari ko kahan kahan se nikalogay?Yes, just look at Naional Flag (Tri-colour), you will find thegreat "ASHOKA CHAKRA", this was taken from the Great King ofPatliputra (now modern Patna)। Secondly, Aryabhatta, the famousmathematician who invented 'zero' and 'pi' is from Patliputra (Patna)and his formulas is currently being used all over India। Mr।Thackeray should take note of it।Thirdly, the other facts which has given a shape to modern India isalso taken from BIHAR: "The famous sandstone sculpted Lion Capital ofAshoka preserved at Sarnath Museum which was originally erectedaround 250 BCE atop an Ashoka Pillar at Sarnath. The angle from whichthis picture has been taken, minus the inverted bell-shaped lotusflower, has been adopted as the National Emblem of India showing theHorse on the left and the Bull on the right of the Ashoka Chakra inthe circular base on which the four Indian lions are standing back toback. On the far side there is an Elephant and a Lion instead. Thewheel "Ashoka Chakra" from its base has been placed onto the centerof the National Flag of India."Dear Bala Saheb Thackerey jee, kindly think twice or thrice when youpublish your article in your mouthpiece "Samna". You are trying nowto divide India again on 'Regionalism' which dangerous for its unity,integrity and stability. An unstable India is most dangerous and maylead to collapse of Union structure of our great country. You shouldwork for the integrity and stability of India, if not contributingfor its development and further prosperity, please do not DE-ESTABILISE the nation.It will be best for the interest of country. As you are aware, theConstitution of India has given every right to its citizen to live,earn his living any where and any part of the country. I wouldwelcome if Central Government apply this rule in Jammu & Kashmir aswell due to its 'Special Status'. Please take care in future beforemaking such unwelcomed statement. You are Indian first थें अ महारास्त्रियन.

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